Alma and I met in 2017 when I photographed her family for the first time. Since then, I’ve been fortunate to work with them year after year. The quality that stands out the most, since that first meeting, was their graciousness. They are truly lovely people, the type who fuel my love of photography and give joy to my work. Every one of them, from mom and dad to the sweet children, positively glow from within. You can feel their good energy and love for each other.

This fall season I was honored to work with Alma on two photo sessions — one with her immediate family, and one special shoot with her and her sweet daughter. These mother-child sessions are among my favorite to photograph. The heartstring connection between Alma and her daughter brings a sense of tenderness and fondness to the images.

If you were you a client this year and receive a mailing from me, you’ll recognize these photos that I included on my cards.

To schedule your motherhood photo shoot, email me at jules@lovelightjules.com or fill out the contact form.