Modern Newborn Photo Session – Baby Andres

If you remember seeing this maternity photo session, well, you’re about to meet the sweet little baby that was in momma’s belly. Baby Andres was actually born on his due date, so there was little waiting around for him to make his appearance. 🙂 It was really nice to meet with his parents again and see them as a new family. Similar to other newborn and baby sessions, I traveled to their home and set up my equipment in their home. Sometimes all you need is a bit of space and some window light. 🙂 In this case, we used their dining room and sliding door as our makeshift studio. It totally worked!

Andres was a super cuddly guy to meet and photograph. Here are a handful of images from the session.





As you can see from the photos, I’m really drawn to neutral colors. There is a timeless and soothing quality to them. I do also appreciate dramatic black and white photos. This one really speaks to me because of how the side light falls on Andres’ face. And the little details on the far side of his face, the little newborn veins on his eyelids and little flaky newborn skin.


Since Andres’ dad is into car building and shifter karting, we got some fun shots of the little newborn in a racing tire. We even had miniature baby tools to style the set up with. 😀


Fact about Andres: he was a BIG little newborn, which meant my itty bitty newborn beanies were a tad small on him. Exhibit A: baby bear hat.


Since Andres’ newborn session I have been able to visit a few more times (once to deliver a frame collection, which I will blog about so you can get a glimpse at the type of products I offer). He has grown enormously and I feel lucky to have captured this fleeting moment in his life.

Read more about newborn sessions with me by clicking here.

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Julienne Ratanasen is a family photographer serving Sacramento, Elk Grove, Carmichael, & Davis, ca, with beautiful, heartfelt imagery of families, maternity and newborn shoots, baby & child portraits, and mini sessions.

Sacramento, California | | (916) 282-9102